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“Deep network and multi-atlas segmentation fusion for delineation of thigh muscle groups in three-dimensional water–fat separated MRI”, Journal of Medical Imaging, vol. 11, p. 054003, 2024.
, “Multi-method and multi-atlas segmentation fusion for delineation of thigh muscle groups in 3D water-fat separated MRI”, in Medical Imaging 2024: Image Processing, 2024.
, “Breast mass characterization using sparse approximations of patch-sampled deep features”, in Medical Imaging 2023: Computer-Aided Diagnosis, 2023.
, “Live Cell Segmentation and Tracking Techniques”, in Intelligent Video Analytics: Clustering and Classification Applications, CRC Press, 2023.
, “Semantic segmentation of individual muscle groups in 3D thigh MRI”, in Medical Imaging 2023: Image Processing, 2023.
, “Single slice thigh CT muscle group segmentation with domain adaptation and self-training”, Journal of Medical Imaging, vol. 10, p. 044001, 2023.
, “Spatially localized sparse approximations of deep features for breast mass characterization”, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, vol. 20, pp. 15859-15882, 2023.
, “Discriminative Localized Sparse Approximations for Mass Characterization in Mammograms”, Frontiers in Oncology, 2021.
, “Sparse analysis of deep features for characterization of breast masses”, in Medical Imaging 2021: Computer-Aided Diagnosis, 2021.
, “A System for Spatio-Temporal Cell Detection and Segmentation in Time-Lapse Microscopy”, in Workshop on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics (MABM 2021) in conjunction with 2021 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), 2021.
, “Discriminative Localized Sparse Representations for Breast Cancer Screening”, in Mathematical and Computational Oncology - Second International Symposium, ISMCO 2020, San Diego, CA, USA, October 8-10, 2020, Proceedings, 2020.
, “Integrative blockwise sparse analysis for tissue characterization and classification”, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, vol. 107, p. 101885, 2020.
, “Spatially localized sparse representations for breast lesion characterization”, Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 123, p. 103914, 2020.
, “Ensembles of Sparse Classifiers for Osteoporosis Characterization in Digital Radiographs”, in SPIE Medical Imaging 2019: Computer-Aided Diagnosis, 2019.
, “Region-based image registration for remote sensing imagery”, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, vol. 189, p. 102825, 2019.
, “Automated skeletal tissue quantification in the lower leg using peripheral quantitative computed tomography”, Physiological Measurement, vol. 39, p. 035011, 2018.
, “Differential Aging Signals in Abdominal CT Scans”, Academic Radiology, vol. 24, no. 12, pp. 1535 - 1543, 2017.
, “Age-specific discrimination of blood plasma samples of healthy and ovarian cancer prone mice using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy”, Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, vol. 123, pp. 33 - 41, 2016.
, “Joint Level-Set and Spatio-Temporal Motion Detection for Cell Segmentation”, BMC Medical Genomics, vol. 9 Suppl 2, 2016.
, “A Pattern Recognition System for Bone Texture Characterization from Digital Radiography,”, IEEE International Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology. pp. 1034-1037, 2016.
, “Editorial”, International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, vol. 21, 2012.
, “A Synergistic Model for Monitoring Brain's Changes: A Case Study”, in ICTAI, 2011, pp. 1093-1098.
, “Automated Quantification of Muscle and Fat in the Thigh from Water-, Fat- and Non-suppressed MR Images”, in BIBE, 2010, pp. 52-57.
, “Efficient registration of multitemporal and multisensor aerial images based on alignment of nonparametric edge features”, J. Electronic Imaging, vol. 19, p. 013002, 2010.
, “Nonparametric Intensity Priors for Level Set Segmentation of Low Contrast Structures”, in MICCAI (1), 2009, pp. 239-246.